There is no installation for Spotify on CentOS, and there are some whacked dependencies which are cumbersome to get around. I tried this on CentOS 6.2
First install Alien (and git):
yum install git make
git clone git://
cd alien/
perl Makefile.PL; make; make install
Now download spotify .deb files from:
Convert and install the Debian/Ubuntu packages:
alien --to-rpm spotify-client-qt*.deb
rpm -Uvh --nodeps spotify-client-qt*.rpm
alien --to-rpm spotify-client*.deb
rpm -Uvh --nodeps spotify-client*.rpm
You're almost done! Now download my
magical package of required libraries:
Extract these in your home folder. It'll create a directory and a file named (in my case):
Edit the .sh file so it points to your home directory. In my case:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/andersx/spotify_libs
The libraries in
spotify_libs were carefully taken from a Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, and in order to NOT mess up your CentOS, use the supplied script to start Spotify without exporting it to your
$LD_LIBRARY_PATH when you don't need it.
Of course feel free to put the libraries and launcher script somewhere else.
Happy listening!