Monday, 3 September 2012

minimalistic laptop setup

I recently fell in love with i3wm, a tile window manager, so I wanted to format my computer and have a bare-minimum installation (instead of running gnome in the background). I checked out tile-window-managers after using pywo, and wanted to 'go the extra mile'.

This resulted in me downloading the minimal CD from ubuntu (12.04) and installing X, i3 and a smallest login manager I could find.

I just ordered the ASUS UX31A and so I need to install everything from scratch again, so what I did was to create a github project with bash file installing all the nice small packages from the first time.

Here is an outline of the install script, which basicly uses apt-get (why I choose ubuntu) and installs everything needed.

Afterwards all the setup RC's, icon, font setup is done via

I really like this setup for a fast on-the-go geeky setup, especially on a 13" where room on the screen is limited.

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